Nissequogue Golf Club

The Gem Of The North Shore

Nissequogue Golf Club

The Gem Of The North Shore


About Nissequogue Golf Club

Policies & procedures

The following rules and regulations have been established by authority of the By Laws of the Club, have been approved by the Board, and will be in effect until further notice. In any case where there may be an inconsistency with these rules and the By Laws, the By Laws shall prevail.


This is your Club. In order to provide the best possible service by the staff and to assure that every member and properly introduced guest shall obtain the greatest enjoyment at the Club, certain house rules have been promulgated. Members are expected to be: courteous and respectful fellow members and members of the staff. If everyone will carefully observe these rules and always be considerate of others, it will add to the pleasure of all.

Your Officers and Directors are assisted in serving you by several committees and the Club staff.

The standing committees are the House, Green, Grievance, Golf, Tennis, Admissions and Nominating .

1.0 Admissions. It is the policy of the Club to attract and secure the membership of quality individuals, consistent with the standards set by the Board of Governors.

Inquiries for membership will be responded to by the office. The office will obtain the name and phone number of the individual requesting information . In addition, information concerning the sponsorship of the individual should be requested. All names of prospective members will be forwarded to the chairman of the Admissions Committee for further action.

The chairman of the Admissions Committee will review all inquiries and invite, as necessary, a prospective member and spouse to be interviewed .

Prospective members arc required to fill out an application. The prospective member will be required to return it within five business days. Failure to do so would delay the admissions process. All applications must be proposed by two members in good standing or the Admissions Committee. The office will post in a conspicuous place or via e-mail the names of all individuals proposed for membership. In addition, a letter will be sent to the full membership announcing the proposals and to solicit any information that would aid the Admissions Committee in the decision process. All information obtained from the membership would be held in strict confidence.

The Admissions Committee will then have two weeks to gather the necessary information to determine whether or not the application should go forward to the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors will vote on each application, by secret ballot if requested by a Governor.

Prospective new members who are approved will be sent a bill for the Initiation Fee and dues. This bill must be paid within ten business days or the application will automatically be withdrawn, unless other arrangements have been discussed and approved by the Board of Governors.

2.0 Alcohol. The club will comply with all Federal, State and Local laws pertaining to the sale and serving of alcoholic beverages.

All instances of intoxication on the Club premises or grounds will he reported to the Board for appropriate disciplinary action. Each member must fully appreciate the substantial liability that could be placed on the staff, management, membership, and the Club itself, for serving intoxicated members or guests.

It is the Club’s policy that Club employees be trained to detect evidence of intoxication of members or guests and to refrain from serving intoxicated persons. Alcoholic beverages are not to be served to minors (i.e. members or guests under the age of 21). Club employees may, at their discretion, refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to any person who appears to be intoxicated or on the verge of becoming intoxicated. Members and guests should not operate a motor vehicle if they are in an intoxicated condition. The General Manager or the responsible Club employee may, at his or her discretion, notify the appropriate authorities if a member or guest insists on leaving the Club in an intoxicated condition and with the apparent intent of operating a motor vehicle. A written report of such an incident will be made, a copy of which will be placed in the member’s file.

Club employees are instructed to assist members or guests in finding a driver or a taxi as an alternative to operating a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated condition.

3.0 Amendments. Notice of any amendment or repeal of these rules enacted by the Board shall be promptly published to the members.

4.0 Attire. The Nissequogue Golf Club dress code contributes to the tradition, decorum, and ambience of our Club, and applies to the entire Club property from the time of your arrival. Members are responsible for their guests being properly attired and should inform them of the proper dress code prior to their arrival. The Golf Staff has been instructed to withhold playing privileges for members and/or guests who are not properly attired.

Gentlemen must wear a jacket in the Main Dining Room and Bar after 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, and a jacket and tie on Saturdays unless more casual dress has been authorized. Ladies are requested to wear skirts, dresses or other appropriate attire. The Club reserves the right to refuse to serve or accommodate anyone not properly attired.

The following are considered improper attire anywhere on the Club grounds: tee shirts, sweat shirts, sweat suits, short shorts, cut­ off shorts, running shorts, cargo shorts, bathing suits, flip-flops, tank or halter tops, jeans, jean skirts, jean jackets, crew neck sweaters without a collared shirt and trousers with patch pockets.

Men’s Golf Dress Policy – Slacks, golf shorts and collared shirts are standard required dress on Club grounds. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Caps and hats should be worn with the brim in the forward position and removed once inside the Clubhouse. As a general guideline, the bottom of the shorts should rest no more than three inches above the knee.

Ladies Golf Dress Policy – Golf specific slacks, Capris, shorts, and skirts no more than three inches above the knee are acceptable. Tops must be tucked in EXCEPT those with banded edges.

Children’s Dress Policy Children are expected to be dressed in accordance with Nissequogue Golf Club dress code at all times, the only exception being infants.

Appropriate golf shoes are required for all golfers.

Tennis attire may not be worn when using the practice facilities or golf course.

Shoes are to be changed in the locker room, not in the parking lot. Specific clothing not permitted for golf include metal spiked shoes, exposed midriff, cut-offs, halter, tube, or tank tops, denim of any type, tennis shorts, cargo pants or shorts, work out attire, or tee shirts.

Golf shoes should restrictcd to the course, the grounds, the locker room and Grill Room area.

Tennis members and their guests must wear proper tennis attire, bearing no inscriptions, logos, etc., except the Nissequogue logo or small designer logo.

5.0 Automobiles. Automobiles parked on the Club grounds muse be parked within the areas designated for parking. All “No Parking” and handicap restrictions shall be observed. Vehicles shall not be parked in the driveways at any time (except in designated parking areas) nor at the main entrance of the Clubhouse unless an attendant is on duty. Posted speed limits shall be enforced.

6.0 Beepers. All audible beepers arc strictly prohibited on Club premises. Beepers that operate in a vibration mode may be utilized.

7.0 Billing. All questions concerning a member’s dues and charges shall be addressed to the Club Business Manager or General Manager. All questions must be raised within 30 days of the date of the billing statement. If the member and the Controller cannot resolve the question, the member may appeal in writing to the General Manager. The General Manager may confer with the Club Treasurer who, on conferring with the President or Executive Committee, shall have the final word.

Any member whose dues or other indebtedness to the Club shall be in arrears for a period of thirty days from the date of the invoice shall be considered delinquent and subject to the finance charge established by the Board of Governors. When a member becomes delinquent, his or her name and amount due shall be posted on the Club bulletin board and a letter shall be sent to him or her immediately by the Club advising him or her that such action has been taken. Any member still in default in the payment of his or her account ten (10) days from the date his or her name and amount due are posted shall be suspended from all Club privileges. If such member remains in default for an additional thirty (30) days after his or her Club privileges are suspended, such member shall be dealt with according to Article 5, Section 3 of the By-Laws, resulting in suspension or expulsion.

8.0 Business. The Club is maintained for social rather than business purposes. Accordingly, it is considered inappropriate to solicit your fellow members.

9.0 Cellular Phones and Other Audible Devices.

The use of cellular phones is prohibited on Club premises with the exception of the confines of an automobile and the Club Locker Room facilities.

Additionally, cellular phones may be used in silent mode, on the golf course, and in the Bar area of the Grill Room, for brief non-verbal uses, as long as it does not slow play, or distract fellow players and Members.

This silent mode use is not extended to any practice areas. However, you may use your cellular phone in the silent mode in the cart staging area, in front of the Golf Shop.

Your cellular/smart phone may also be used for listening to music on the Driving Range, ONLY when wearing headphones/earplugs, as long as the volume is turned down, so others are not disturbed.

Cellular/Smart phones may also be used in their camera mode (silently).

All other audible devices are strictly prohibited throughout the Club property.

10.0 Charges. No charge (including dues) may be paid in cash at any time.


1. Vouchers signed by a spouse shall include the member’s name and account number.

2. The member shall be responsible for all indebtedness to the Club incurred by the spouse.

3. Spouses registered for such signing privileges shall be subject to all existing Club rules and regulations.

4. Spouses of members shall nor incur charges if the member has been suspended by the Club.

5. The House Committee may request the Board of Governors at any time to withdraw, for cause, the signing privileges extended such spouse.

11.0 Checks. Article 5, Section 3 of the By-Laws will apply for all checks offered for payment. No check that is postdated shall be accepted.

12.0 Children. Except for stipulated periods and for special events, children under 14 years of age are not allowed in the Clubhouse (other than areas designated for their use) unless accompanied by a responsible adult. Children under 14 years of age may not bring guests to the Club unless accompanied by an adult member.

Members will be held responsible for the conduct of their children and their children’s guests while they are on Club property. Failure to adhere to all of the rules by a member’s child or the child’s guest may result in the member being responsible for payment to the Club for the amount of damage caused. Members may be disciplined for their children’s or their children’s guests’ violations.

13.0 Complaints. All complaints against the Club, its management, or any officer or member, shall be made in writing to the Board of Governors, and signed by the complainant. No oral or unsigned complaints will be considered. Complaints against employees other than management shall be directed solely to the General Manager. No member shall reprimand a fellow member, guest or employee. Violation of this rule may result in immediate disciplinary action.

14.0 Communication Devices. (see Beepers and Cellular Phones)

15.0 Conduct. (see Discipline)

16.0 Controlled Substances. Controlled substances, as defined by State and Federal laws, other than chose prescribed by a physician for medical reasons, are not permitted on the Club property.

17.0 Damage. (See Children, Property)

18.0 Decorations. Any member wishing to decorate, or have decorated, any part of the: Clubhouse, except for table centerpieces, etc., must first obtain the approval of the General Manager. All decorations must be removed promptly after the function is over, with such removal to be at the member’s expense. Florists and decorators muse clean up any waste before and after the activity. Any damage that occurs will be charged to the member.

19.0 Dining. During official hours (see Hours of Operation) or as otherwise provided, the Club will make every effort to provide dining facilities, even when a Club function or a private party cakes exclusive use of the main dining facilities. However, from time to time, Club functions may preclude the use of the normal
dining facility.

Subject to official approval, private dinners may be served in designated areas in the main Clubhouse to members and their guests. At each such dinner, a member shall serve as sponsor and assume full responsibility to the Board of Governors for the conduct and actions of guests and payment of all costs incurred.

A record muse be kept of whether the member host is to be reimbursed for charges incurred for a party of nine or more and whether the activity is in furtherance of the host member’s trade or business. Members are expected to complete the form.

20.0 Directory. The Membership Directory may not be used by any member for commercial purposes, nor given to a non-member for any purpose. The Directory is published solely for the social convenience of the members.

21.0 Discipline. The General Manager is required to notify the Board of any member violation of the Club rules. The Board reserves the right to discipline any member who violates Club rules in accordance with By-Law procedures.

A member charged with conduct injurious to the good name, peace, or welfare of the Club, or with a violation of its rules or regulations, shall be notified to appear before the Grievance Committee, should such Committee decide to investigate the complaint.

If the Grievance: Committee, after investigation and hearing, decides that the conduct of such member is prejudicial to the good name, peace or welfare of the Club violation of its rules or regulations, the Committee may censure such member or it may refer the matter to the Board of Governors, and may include in its reference a recommendation that the member be temporarily suspended from all privileges of the Club pending final action by the Board of Governors. The member shall have the right to appear before the Board of Governors and to answer the complaint made against him.

Upon such matter being referred to the Board of Governors, the Secretary shall notify the member in writing of the nature of the complaint and the time and place of the hearing. The hearing shall not take place until at least five working days have elapsed from the date upon which notice was mailed to the member by the Secretary.

If upon inquiry and hearing the Board of Governors shall be satisfied of the truth and merit of the complaint, they may censure or suspend the member for a stated period. If in their judgment the best interests of the Club so require, they may request the member to resign and, upon failure or refusal to do so, the Board of Governors may expel the member. Suspension or expulsion of a member under By-Law Article IV shall require an affirmative vote: of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Governors.

22.0 Dress (see Attire)

23.0 Employees. In the interest of orderly management procedure and discipline, members are not allowed to reprimand or issue orders to employees, but are requested to report any incivility to the General Manager.

Members are specifically requested to refrain from suggesting to employees items that may be pertinent to the improvement of Club operations. All such suggestions should be made to the General Manager.

All complaints or suggestions concerning employees must be transmitted to the General Manager or designee.

Arrangements for services must be made through Club management. Employees on duty are not permitted to leave the Club premises on errands or for any other service for members.

Tipping of the wait staff, bartenders, golf, or tennis pros is not permitted.

A voluntary contribution to the Employees’ Holiday Fund is suggested. This does not in any way constitute any additional charge for service, but is merely a contribution to employees in appreciation for their loyalty.

24 .0 Enforcement. The management staff of the Club is authorized to enforce these rules on behalf of the Board.

25.0 Entertainment. No performance by entertainers will be permitted on Club property without the General Manager’s prior approval.

26.0 Firearms. Firearms and ammunition are not permitted in the Clubhouse or anywhere else on the Club property. Fireworks are also prohibited from the Club property without prior approval from the Board of Governors.

27.0 Food and Beverages. All food and beverages consumed in the Clubhouse and on all Club property must be purchased from the Club.

The Club may make an exception for wedding cakes, etc.

No member or guest shall bring to the Clubhouse or have there delivered any spirituous beverage or food. On special occasions and with the permission of the General Manager, wines and champagne may be brought to the Clubhouse or be delivered there to be served by employees of the Club. Service/corking charges will apply.

No food is permitted to be served or consumed in the locker rooms unless provided by the Club.

28.0 Gambling. No gambling held illegal by the State is permitted on Club property. No betting or play of any kind for stakes is permitted in the Clubhouse.

29.0 General/ Public. As the facilities of the Club are for the exclusive use, accommodation, and enjoyment of the members and their invited guests, none of the Club’s facilities shall at any time, in any manner, be made available to a member of the general public or to any non-member group or organization without express authorization by the Board of Governors.

30.0 Golf. Rules of the USGA shall govern play at all times except as modified by local rules. All golfing activities shall come under the general supervision of the Golf Committee. The Golf Committee will be available at all times for consultation and advice. The Golf Professional is a member of the Golf Committee.

30.1 Privileges.

Regular Membership – Unrestricted

Tennis and House Membership – Allowed four rounds per year with appropriate fees. (Tennis and House Members are not permitted guests)

Weekday Golf – Play restricted to Monday through Friday.

Dependents – A dependent is a son or daughter of a regular member who is 25 years or older. A dependent must play with a member. Dependent play is limited to six rounds per year. Dependent fee is 50% of regular guest fee.

A Junior Dependent is a son or daughter who is 12 to 24 years old. Junior Dependents will be permitted co have junior guests (12 to 24 years old) at 50% of the regular guest fee. Their play hours are posted in the starting times and regulations chart. Children under the age of 12 may play after 3:00 p.m. at the discretion of the Starter.

30.2 Tee Times. Members are generally encouraged to make tee times especially on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays.

The tee will be restricted for men on Wednesdays between 12:00p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday, until 12:00 noon and Sunday until 9:00 a.m.

The tee will be restricted for ladies on Thursdays, until 12:00 noon.

At the discretion of the Golf Professional, tee time restrictions may be waived if considered to be in the best interest of the membership.

30.3 Starting Procedures. The Starter has complete authority and supervision of starting time subject to the direction of the Golf Committee.

1. Starting Time – Ready to play – Each member of the group is responsible for having each other member of the group checked in with the Starter in person, and ready to play at the starting tee at least ten minutes before scheduled tee off time. The starter may move any group scheduled to start at the first tee, to a later starting time or to the back nine, if, in his judgment, he deems it necessary to speed up play. Failure to comply will result in loss of reservation .

2. Course Closed

a. No member will be permitted to use golf carts when the course is officially closed by the Superintendent. Walking may be permitted when the course is closed if approved by the Superintendent.

b. On mornings when the course is declared temporarily closed and is opened at a later hour, the following rule will apply: Any player registering in person with the Starter will maintain his assigned position when the course is opened, whether or not he had a reservation.

At the discretion of the Starter, foursomes may start on the tenth tee. When doing so, said foursome will have alternating rights on the first tee. Priorities for starting times are designated for tournaments approved by the Golf Committee. No tournament shall have priority unless so approved .

30.4 Golf Regulations.

a. Golf Etiquette and Rules- Know and observe the etiquette and rules of golf. Be considerate of others and avoid embarrassment.

b. Speed Up Play – In order to speed play it is recommended that a player, when ready, play his stroke whether or not he is away or it is his honor.

c. Slow Play – Slow play is defined as any round taking more than 4 1/4 hours. Slow play will be addressed by the golf staff.

d. Care of the Golf Course

1. Divots – repair all divots and ball marks on greens.

2. Bunkers – Be considerate of those behind you; rake all bunkers upon completion of sand shots.

3. Rubbish- Keep our course clean and beautiful.

4. Carts – do not drive cares closer than 25 feet from apron of greens or tees. Excessive tracking of carts near greens and tees can cause irreparable damage and can cause a poor lie on approach shots to the green.

5. Practicing – Practicing is prohibited on the golf course, and is permitted in designated areas only. Range balls are not to be used on the golf course for any reason.

e. Carts – You must have a valid driver’s license to operate a cart. For your safety, keep golf carts off steep hills and slopes. Use cart paths where available and follow all directional signs. Carts are required for play until 2:00 p.m. every day.

30.5 Handicap. It is your responsibility to post all nine and eighteen hole scores. Every round of seven or fourteen holes or more, respectively, must also be posted. The Golf Committee will monitor all handicaps. Any member in violation of handicap procedures may forfeit their right to participate in sanctioned Club tournaments.

30.6 Tournament Play. Golfers must be members of the Tournament Fund to participate in any Club tournaments.

AlI participants in Club tournaments must have a current USGA handicap.

The established handicap of a player in a tournament listing more than one day will be his current USGA handicap on the day of a stipulated round.

No one should enter a tournament who does not anticipate being able to complete all rounds scheduled.

Failure to show up for the tournament after you have signed up causes a number of problems; it is unfair to playing partners as well as your opponents. Groups that are missing players are often not as competitive as they should be and are frequently out of position on the golf course. Your tournament committee spends a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure that all events run properly.

The Golf Committee shall have the exclusive right to modify, postpone, or cancel any tournament.

All tournaments must have the approval of the Golf Committee.

Decisions of the Golf Committee shall be final.

31.0 Gratuities (see Employees)

32.0 Guests. Guests of a member may be entertained in the Club when accompanied by the member who invited them. Where there is any possibility a guest may arrive at the Club before the member host does, the member host should telephone and give the Club Office his guest’s name so that the guest may be properly admitted.

The conduct and behavior of guests are the responsibility of the member host. Members should be aware of those areas of the Club that are not available to unescorted guests and so inform the guests that the privacy of members in these areas must be respected.

A member shall not introduce as a guest any person whose membership in the Club has ended as a result of expulsion, suspension or other discretionary Club action under the By- Laws, without the express determination by the Board of Governors that such proposed guest is eligible for resumption of his membership.

Members may escort guests to the bars, cocktail lounges, and dining rooms but may not leave them unescorted.

The House and/or Golf Committee: may request the Board of Governors to withdraw at any rime, the privileges extended to any guest for cause.

Guests or members attending private room functions are requested to go directly to the room in which the occasion is to be held and will not be allowed the freedom of other parts of the Club.

32.1 Guest Privileges. Members are requested to make prior arrangements with the Golf and Tennis facilities when bringing guests to the Club. Please provide the name of each guest when making reservations. All guests must register at the respective Pro Shop to play.

Members will be responsible for all guest fees set by the Board of Governors which may be changed from time to time.

Members must accompany their guests at all times unless approved by the golf professional. Guests will be permitted to play on the Golf Course after 12:00 noon on Saturday, and after 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. Tee limes for guest play on Fridays are not available between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 p.m.

Guests shall be limited to two rounds per month and six rounds per year, regardless of the fact that he or she may have been invited by more than one member. Member guest tournaments excluded.

Tennis members are limited to three guests per day. Guests shall be limited to six visits per year regardless of the fact that he or she may have been invited by more than one member. Member guest tournaments excluded.

32.2 Significant Other. The Board of Governors has established this status to accommodate our single, divorced or otherwise separated members. A member, upon application and approval of the Board of Governors, may establish this status for his companion. Application can be made once a year and must be made: each year if the status is to be continued.

A Significant Other is not a Member; however, during the designated period by the Sponsoring Member, they shall be permitted all of the privileges of a spouse of a Member, including signing privileges. This status will allow the individual unlimited access to Club facilities and permit use as that of a Spouse. All fees that apply to regular members will be applicable.

A member must carefully consider introducing a Significant Other and fully understand that this status is only granted upon approval of the Board of Governors and can be withdrawn at any time.

32.3 Guest Cards. At the request of a member, persons residing and working more than 50 miles from the Club may be admitted to the privileges of the Club as a guest of the member requesting the guest privilege for a period not to exceed 14 days. A guest card shall be issued to each such guest. Members introducing guests will be held responsible for any indebtedness a guest may contract or any damage caused to Club property by the guest. Not more than one guest card shall be issued to the same person within 12 months without the consent of the Board.

The right to withdraw guest cards for proper cause is reserved to the Board of Governors. The names of persons holding such guest cards shall be placed on record with the Club Office.

33.0 Holidays. The Club may be open on designated holidays as authorized by the Board of Governors. The Club is generally closed Mondays, except when a holiday occurs on Monday in which case the Club would then be closed Tuesday

34.0 Hours of Operation.


Sat. & Sun……………7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Tues. thru Sun 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Wed., Fri., Sat., Sun. 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Wed. Fri., Sat. 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Wed., Fri., Sat 5:30 p.m. to Closing

Above times are subject to changes according to seasons and special events.

35.0 Indebtedness. The Board of Governors, at any time, may limit the credit to be extended to members.

36.0 Mailing List. The Club’s mailing list shall not be used for any commercial purpose. Charitable and other solicitation of the membership may only be made by specific Board authority; such solicitation must be under the Club’s control. The mailing list should never be released to a non­ member.

37.0 Membership. (see Admissions)

38.0 Operating Hours. (see Hours)

39.0 Parking. (see Automobiles)

40.0 Parties. A member desiring to host a private party should request clearance from the General Manager or his designee and, if given clearance, coordinate the plans with him. Members using Club facilities for private parties are responsible to see that such parties are conducted with decorum and in a manner that will not bring the Club into disrepute or interfere with the use of the Club by other members. No private parties will be scheduled to deny the general membership access to the Clubhouse.

For large parties, it is recommended that a guest list be furnished to a Club employee to make a door check of all guests. Guests shall not be permitted to invite other guests to attend private parties hosted by a member at the Club without the approval of the host.

41.0 Petitions. No subscription paper, petition, political poster, or similar documentation shall be circulated nor any article exposed for sale or barter in the Clubhouse or on the Club premises by members, guests, or employees, or for employees, except when authorized by the Board.

42.0 Photography. (see Publicity)

43.0 Press (see Publicity)

44.0 Private Instruction. Charges for all private athletic instruction shall be billed to the member’s Pro Shop account.

45.0 Property. Club property removed, damaged or destroyed by a member or a member’s guest will be charged to such member. The Club is not responsible for any private property belonging to a member or a guest.

All member and guest property received at the Bag Room is for its maintenance, for the benefit of such individual, and the charges imposed therefore, are for that purpose and not for any other. The Club does not assume and shall not be liable to anyone for any loss sustained by virtue of the fact that such property has been received.

46.0 Publicity. No member or Club employee shall make available to any newspaper, periodical, or other publication any internal communication or one that is directed solely to members.

If members of the press or other media are guests of members of the Club, they shall be advised by the members inviting them that the Club proceedings and happenings may not be reported or made available for publication.

No working members of the press assigned to cover a story at an athletic event, private meeting, or otherwise, are permitted in the Club without the approval of the General Manager.

47.0 Records, Access To. General Rule-Club records, accounts, and files of whatever nature that are maintained by Club employees in connection with Club business, operation and functions, shall, for good cause, show and, upon approval by the President or the Executive Committee, may be made available by the General Manager (or employee authorized by the General Manager) to Club members conducting official business of the Club, in accordance with authority vested in them by Club By-Laws, Regulations, or by the Board of Governors. It shall constitute misconduct for a Club member to inspect, read, or copy such records, accounts, or copying of records without such approval, and an employee who shall knowingly permit an unauthorized inspection, reading, or files shall, upon such a finding in a hearing conducted by the Board of Governors, or its designated sub-committee, be disciplined for misconduct.

Exceptions – Nothing in these Rules shall be construed as denying a member the right, during office hours and in the presence of an authorized employee, to inspect and review, or have copies made when appropriate, of any record or data pertaining to his or her individual account with the Club. When acting in their official capacities in conducting Club business, officers of the Club, legal counsel, retained public accountants, or others expressly authorized by the Board of Governors to inspect, read, or copy such records, accounts, or files are exempt from the provisions of this Regulation.

48.0 Reservations. It is the responsibility of each member to make reservations for dining or other use of the Club when appropriate. Reservations shall be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Ir is requested that cancellation of a reservation be made at least 24 hours in advance. If reservations for special parties or private dining rooms are not canceled, in writing, at least three days in advance of the scheduled party or function, the member may be charged a reasonable penalty, to be determined by the General Manager and Executive Committee.

49.0 Rooms. Reservations for guest rooms must be made by a member. The guest rooms may be used by members on a daily or other periodic basis.

Guests of members may use the guest rooms on a daily basis only. Changes in such reservations must be implemented by the host member under whose name such reservation is made.

The occupancy of a guest room by a member or a guest may be terminated for cause at any time by the General Manager or his or her designee.

50.0 Smoking. Members and guests are asked to be considerate to others.

Smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor areas.

51.0 Solicitations. No demonstration or solicitation on behalf of any political, sectarian, or other group shall be made: in the Clubhouse or on the: Club property, nor shall printed matter on behalf of any person, or political party be distributed in the Clubhouse or on Club grounds except by express permission of the Board. Members may be solicited only by express permission of the Board.

52.0 Special Service. A member requesting special food or beverage service other than that provided may be accommodated within the discretion of the General Manager, subject to such charges as the General Manager shall deem appropriate for the service rendered.

53.0 Speed Limit. (see Automobiles)

54.0 Stationery. No member or guest shall use any stationery bearing the name or seal of the Club except stationery furnished by the Club. No member or guest shall use the Club stationery for business or similar purposes, nor date nor address from the Club any paper or communication intended to be printed or published in any newspaper, magazine, or other publication. The telephone number of the Club shall not be listed on any private stationery or advertised as the business telephone of any member or guest.

55.0 Strangers. The Club staff has been instructed to exercise extreme caution in admitting unannounced or unexpected persons. Anyone calling upon a member or official of the Club and not a guest of a member or invitee of an official must be shown into the reception area and shall be excluded from all other parts of the Club until met and escorted by a member or a Club official.

56.0 Subscriptions. (see Petitions)

57.0 Tennis. Rules of the USTA shall govern play at all times except as modified by local rules. All Tennis activities shall come under the general supervision of the Tennis Committee. The Tennis Professional is a member of the Tennis Committee. Decisions of the Tennis Committee shall be final.

57. 1 Court Usage and Etiquette. Singles shall be limited to one hour, doubles to one and one half hours.

Prior to the commencement of play on any court (except reserved time Court #1), all players must enter their names on the sign-up sheet.

Sign up time and tennis play muse be consecutive. No sign-up in advance (except on reserved Court #1).

Two names must be listed for singles, four names for doubles. Players, whose scheduled time has expired, must immediately relinquish their court to those who have reserved and are waiting.

Any player or players may reregister for an additional hour or one and one half hours if others are not waiting.

All players must be present to register on the sign-up sheet. If a wait is indicated, players must be at the court 10 minutes prior to sign-up time.

If a single member is using a court for practice, other than the Pro’s court, then he or she must immediately relinquish that court if two or more people are waiting to play. If one person is waiting, then the person practicing should ask him or her to play.

Registration in any of the Club tournaments obligates the registrant to arrive on time. Please give the Club pro or the Tournament Chairman 24 hours notice of cancelation.

All Championship Games will be scheduled and played in the allotted period. All players will make every effort to reach a “Mutually Agreeable”date and time for the match. The Tennis Pro shall mediate any scheduling disputes and his decision shall be final. Any player or team late by fifteen minutes will default to their opponents. The call will be made by the tennis Pro and there will be NO EXCEPTIONS.

All members shall conduct themselves in such manner so as not to interfere with the playing enjoyment of others.

Dogs and other pets are prohibited from the tennis area.

51.2 Reservations. Ladder matches may be reserved on Court #1 only. They do not take preference on any other court. Ladder matches may not be played for longer than one hour for singles and one and one half hours for doubles regardless of the score.

Ladder matches are not to be played on either Ladies Day (Tuesday morning), Men’s Day (Sunday morning) or Friday evening.

Court #1 may be reserved for singles – one hour, or doubles one and one half hours. Reservations for Court #1 cannot be made more than two days in advance.

If reservations have not been made in advance, Court #1 will be considered “open” for general play until the next reservation. Sign-in rules will apply.

Additional courts may be reserved for tournament marches only at the discretion of the Tennis Pro.

58.0 Tipping. (see Employees)

59.0 Valuables (see Property)

60.0 Violations. Club management shall inform any member of the Club of any violations of Club rules whether by that member or a guest of that member and shall report such violations to the General Manager. The General Manager, with the consent of the Board of Governors, shall develop and promulgate procedural rules for investigation and appropriate action in regard to any violation of the rules of the Club.

61.0 Miscellaneous. When the attention of members or guests is called by the General Manager to any violation of the Club rules, the General Manager is fulfilling one of his duties.

Continued violation of Club rules or the rules of etiquette and courtesy must be reported by the General Manager to the President for further action.

In the absence of the General Manager, the: Chairman of any committee and any officer or director is empowered to exercise full responsibility in determining all emergency matters affecting the conduct of members or guests, the service and the department of Club employees, and the administration of Club activities.